TAD shares hybrid workplace insights

Technology is crucial to today's new workplace paradigm

MiHee Kim

May 20, 2021

Now is the time for innovation

As companies transition back to the office in part or in whole, TAD has been developing innovations to support the process. We are driven, by our own staff as well as by our clients, to think in new ways about group collaboration, shared spaces, and remote working. This whitepaper lists a set of challenges with innovations that seek to respond to them, making use of TAD’s research-based initiatives and proven practices.

“Combining a renewed focus on the needs of individual users and their leadership with a mindfulness of wellness and cultural context, we can develop technology innovations that support and drive a global transition to the hybrid workplace future."
Rob Badenoch

Critical questions to consider

The innovations listed in this whitepaper are considered in the context of a new set of challenges that the hybrid workplace presents. Among them:

  • New concerns for security and privacy. What happens as personal devices and platforms, relied upon at home by the distributed workforce, are increasingly commingled with employer systems?
  • New demands for consumer products and services in the workplace. What new applications and workflows will employees expect to be supported in the office and home?
  • Increased uncertainty and austerity brought about by the crisis. How can technology initiatives be justified in light of the tumultuous logistical and economic climate?
  • Increased emphasis on equity of access for distributed workforces. How best to plan and measure success for technology solutions across the wildly varying living and family arrangements of a remote workforce?

For complete whitepaper

Please send us a request for the complete whitepaper.